An idea of what Ocala Florida’s weather is like from month to month

Ocala Florida weather report September 2012

Beauty Bush with dark purple berries

Beauty Bush

September in Florida is prime time hurricane season. Although Ocala is probably the safest part of the state you can’t help but watch the weather every morning to see what’s out there. The season ends by the end of October when the ocean water begins to cool down. Hurricanes feed off the warm water. September is a full blown summer month here in Ocala. Temperatures remain in the 90’s and it will stay humid all month long.

August was very wet. It seemed to rain almost every afternoon. This time of year winds off the Atlantic collide with winds off the Gulf causing afternoon thunderstorms.

Hot humid summers are a small price to pay for no winter. Call me, email me or use my Dream Home Finder.


Ocala weather report August 2012

So far it has been a hot, humid and fairly wet summer which is typical of Ocala weather at this time of year. August should be much like July. At least 90 but seldom over 95. It might be 75 and very humid at 6 am. It can rain 4 or 5 times a week usually in the afternoon.

August is the first month that I consider hurricane season. Although the season starts in June it isn’t until August that ocean temperatures get high enough to feed a hurricane. It is the warm water that provides a hurricane fuel. Ocala isn’t hurricane proof but it is as safe as you can get here in Florida.

Like I always say “The hot humid summers are a small price to pay for no winters”

Ocala weather report July 2012

July temperatures never go below 90 and seldom go above 95. Night time temperatures are in the mid 70’s. It’s very humid every day. Afternoon thunderstorms are very hit or miss but occur on a regular basis. The thunderstorms are caused by winds off the Atlantic colliding with winds off the Gulf that destabilize the atmosphere. This weather pattern exists from late May until mid October.

June was especially wet. Tropical storm Debby passed north of Ocala dropping several inches of rain. I had to drain my pool twice and althoigh I don’t have a rain gauge I’d guess we must have gotten a good 7″ of rain here in the SW corridor off SR 200.

Like I always love to say ” The hot humid summers are a very small price to pay for no winter.”

Ocala Weather Report June 2012

As usual let’s look at last months weather first. May was unusually warm as has been the pattern this year. The wet season also seems to have started early this year. I was forced to run my AC on and off all month.

Now that June has started the humidity is back and will stick around until October. It’s also the wet season with afternoon thunderstorms. In the afternoons wind off the Atlantic collides with breezes off the Gulf and thus destabilizes the atmosphere causing storms. These storms are very hit or miss and only last a short time but can dump a lot of rain very fast. It’s also the beginning of Hurricane season. Although the most action is in late August and September once the ocean water is at it’s warmest Hurricanes feed off the warm water. Ocala is probably the least hurricane prone city in Florida. So far at least.

Ocala Florida weather report for May 2012

So far 2012 has been much warmer than normal. April was no exception. Many days in April were in the high 80’s with a couple of days hitting 90. Normal would be the low 80’s. I had to run my AC for much of the month where normally I might not run it at all. In past years AC season hasn’t started until mid to late May. Now when I say I need to run the AC I mean that I had to turn it on mid afternoon and in some cases run it at night because the outside temperature was in the mid 70’s at bed time. This time of year is still dry with very little or no humidity.

May remains dry until the end of the month. Highs should be in the high 80’s during the day and the 60’s at night. The end of May marks the end of our dry season and the start of the wet season which lasts until October.

A lot of people from out of state worry about how they will like the heat and humidity of Florida summers. It really depends on where you live now. I’ve had buyers from the mid west and Texas say the humidity isn’t as bad as where they live. Coming from New England I can say that it is hotter and more humid than I was used to but I got used to it and it is a small price to pay for no winter.

Ocala weather report April 2012

Although it might be barely spring in some parts of the country, the weather in Ocala is like summer time. March was oddly warm. One of the warmest on record. Temperatures averaged 5 degrees above normal with some days almost 10 degrees above normal. This is the first week of April and temperatures are predicted to approach 90. That’s what you would expect in late May and not the first of April. Although it is warm it still isn’t humid. The humidity starts in late May and continues until late October.  I’m not happy with this early heat. I like to get my yard in shape during March and April. I prune my bushes, put down mulch and add plants to my gardens. I try to get this work done by late May before the 90 degree days start. This year looks like my schedule is going to be all messed up.

Ocala weather report March 2012

March is the first month of spring here in Ocala. The grass turns green after a brief winter dormancy and the azaleas come into bloom. Temperatures average in the mid 70’s during the day and the mid 50’s at night. March 15 is considered the last day where there can be a frost and safe to plant your tomatoes in the garden. There is no humidity and very little rain this time of year.

February was unusually warm this year. We did get a strong cold front around mid month that brought a hard frost. The rest of the month was in the high 70’s with a couple of days around 80. The normal for February would be in the low 70’s.

If the weather where you are isn’t as nice as it is here in Ocala then move! I’d be happy to help. Email me, call me or use my Ocala Dream Home Finder.

Ocala weather report for February 2012

The weather this winter has been unusually warm and very dry. Many days in January were in the high 70’s with several days getting close to 80. That’s a good 5 to 10 degrees above normal. We are also in a pretty severe drought. There has only been about one inch of rain since December 1st. This is the dry season but this year is a lot dryer than normal.

Normally I’d give you the average temperature in Ocala for February but here we are on the 8th of the month and it’s still unseasonably warm. I’m not complaining. It’s been beautiful all winter so far. Warm weather in the 70’s with no humidity is just about perfect for me.

If you’re sick of the winter where you are then move to Ocala.

Ocala Florida weather January 2012

January is the only true full month of winter here in Ocala. December gets colder towards the end of the month and February begins to warm up by the end of the month. Winter in Ocala revolves around cold fronts. The normal high is around 70 but for a couple of days after a cold front comes through temperatures during the day can get down into the 60’s and even 50’s. Then things warm back up until the next time a front comes through. It’s hardly ever rains, there is no humidity and the sun shines every day. That’s winter in Ocala.

Looking back December 2011 was unusually warm this year. Most days were in the mid to high 70’s with no humidity.  Absolutely fantastic weather all month long.

If you’re sick of northern winters then why not move to Ocala.  With interest rates so low you can buy a house here for a mortgage payment not much different than a loan for a really nice car!! Call me, email me or use my Dream Home Finder.

Ocala Florida weather report for December 2011

orange tree with ripe oranges

Orange trees fruit in the winter

December is the beginning of winter here in Ocala. Temperatures will be in the low 70’s during the day and in the mid 40’s at night. Winter in Ocala revolves around cold fronts that come through every couple of weeks. Temperatures will be in the 70’s and then a front will arrive dropping temp’s down in the 60’s for 2 or 3 days. Then a warm up back to the 70’s until the next cold front and it’s like that all winter long. It’s the dry season from October until May. There is very little rain and it’s sunny almost every day.

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. It was in the low 70’s here in SW Ocala. We were able to eat Thanksgiving dinner out on the Lanai.

If you’re sick of the winters where you live then stop complaining and move to Ocala. The hot humid summers are a small price to pay for no winter.