Ocala Florida weather report for July 2018
June was very rainy even for the rainy season. It seemed to rain 4 or more days a week all month. It was typically hot and humid around 90 every day.
July is pretty predictable. You don’t even need to look at a weather report. It will be hot and humid every day with a 40-60% chance of afternoon thunderstorms.
A lot of people are concerned about the heat and humidity. For one thing you just get used to it.It is consistently hot and humid. For me one week of extreme heat in the summer was hard to take when I lived up north but here in Ocala you get used to it. You also have to realize every where is air conditioned, your house, car, work, stores every where. It’s like saying it’s cold up north but you have heat don’t you ? I can tell you the heat of our summer is a small price to pay for no winter. Actually we have great winters in the 70’s !