Ocala Florida weather for July 09

The weather in June here in Ocala was wet. The past few years we basically had a drought during the wet season. It’s not that it didn’t rain in past years, it was just drier than it should have been. This year we are back to normal. By normal I mean showers in the afternoon on a very regular basis. I had to drain my swimming pool twice to keep it from over flowing.

July will probably be much the same as June. Highs in the 90’s, lows at night in the mid 70’s and plenty humid. Interestingly there seems to be little or no tropical storm activity out there so far this year.

As I always say, the heat and humidity of Florida summers is a very small price to pay for no winter.

Ocala Real Estate Market Report June 09

Sales in June were 305 homes in Marion County. That’s a large increase over January at 142, February at 188, March at 220, April at 229 7 May at 259. This is a steady upward trend. Total listings also keep steadily going down which is great news.

We saw a huge increase in sales during June. This is all a result of lower prices. Buyers realize that prices are near bottom and interest rates are at historical lows with no where to go but up. Sellers realize that price is what sells a house in this market and that over priced homes just get over looked.

I don’t see prices going back up for a long time but the increase in sales combined with the decrease in listings is a very welcome sign.

Although I’m very optimistic about the increase is sales it should be noted that Foreclosures and Short sales accounted for 135 of the 319 sales in June. That’s 40%. Short sales being 37 sold and foreclosures a whopping 98 sales.

The $8,000- tax credit expires the end of the year

Do you qualify for the Ocala first time buyers tax credit? If you haven’t owned a house in the past 3 years you probably do qualify. This is free money. You don’t have to pay it back. You don’t need to owe $8,000- in taxes.

You do need to start looking for a house soon. The tax credit expires the end of this year. In order to close by the end of 09 you will need to be under contract by mid November at the very latest.

Not all offers get accepted. Deals fall apart for a lot of reasons. Don’t wait for the last minute. Start shopping early for the best deal.


Is this the bottom or just the calm before another storm

Home sales here in Ocala have really picked up in 2009. That’s because prices have dropped so much. The median home price here in Marion County went down 16% in 2008 and much more in some sub divisions. The other factor in affordable homes besides just price is interest rates. Interest rates are the subject of this post.Seeing our elected leaders have proposed record deficit spending, are higher interest rates inevitable? The government finances it’s spending not by printing money but by selling bonds. The higher our deficit the more we have to sell and the only way to increase the sales of bonds is to increase the interest rates that they pay.

Can the increase in interest rates wipe out the gains in affordable housing created by lower home prices?

A $100,000.00 mortgage at the current rate of 5.5% would be $568.00 a month.

If rates shoot up to 7.5% the monthly payment would be $700.00 a month.

A $125,000.00 mortgage at 5.5% is only $710.00 a month.

I hope you can see how just 2% interest can wipe out such a big chunk of buying power. Interest rates are at historical low and there is no where to go but up. I think we are at a sweet spot in the market that just can’t last forever, low rates and low prices. This is the time to buy and I mean right now.

Ocala Weather June 2009

Before getting to the weather in June here in Ocala let’s look back at May. May was one of the rainiest months of May on record. That’s a good thing because May is usually very dry and the Ocala area has had a drought.

June is the beginning of the wet season. In the afternoon winds from the Atlantic collide with winds off the Gulf causing instability in the atmosphere resulting in thunderstorms.

The humidity also returns to Ocala in June. The temperatures are in the low 90’s almost every day and the night time gets down to only the mid 70’s. There is no doubt about it the air is very humid.

June is also the beginning of hurricane season in Florida. Although the ocean water really isn’t warm enough yet to really get hurricanes going. Ocala, being in the middle of the state is one of the least hurricane prone areas in all of Florida.