Ocala Weather Update September 09

September is still the summer in Ocala and not at all like fall as in other parts of the country.  It’s still plenty hot and plenty humid. Towards the end of the month the heat will begin to back off a little. By that I mean the high 80’s instead of the mid to low 90’s.

Here we are in September, at the peak of hurricane season and for the second year in a row, nothing is happening. Why do experts make predictions anyway when they are so wrong so often. Ocala is one of the least hurricane prone areas in Florida but the remnants of hurricanes provide a lot of scary wind and huge amounts of rain. In that sense I’m glad we’re having such an uneventful season and I hope it continues.

August was much wetter than in past years. We had several years of low rainfall and this year is back to normal. By that I mean afternoon thunderstorms on a regular basis. Some of these thunderstorms can drop 2 or 3 inches in less than an hour. I’m not kidding, I’ve had to lower my swimming pool several times to keep it from over flowing.

Remember as I love to say, the hot summers are a very small price to pay for no winters. I look forward to the winter.  Do you?

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