Ocala weather report July 2010

The summer of 2010 has been unusually hot and wet. Summer in Ocala is always hot and wet but this year is off to a real bang. From watching the weather I think we might also have a big hurricane season this year. It appears the water in the Gulf is 3 or 4 degrees above normal. With hurricanes it’s all about feeding off the warm water.

Weather in July here in Ocala is hot. It is 90 to 95 every day but never much more. There is plenty of humidity in the air. It doesn’t rain every afternoon but it has rained this year about 4 days out of 7.

I have an entire page on my web site devoted to Ocala Weather. Check it out and remember no matter how hot it gets in the summer here in Florida it’s a small price to pay for no winter.

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