Ocala Real Estate Market Report for December 2013

Home sales in December were down quite a bit from October and November. I have no idea why. The holidays are a good time for sales here in Ocala because of all the snowbirds. The worse the winter is up north the better homes sales are here in Florida.

Over all 2013 was a great year. There were 5,673 home sales in 2013 as opposed to 4,602 in 2012  4,461 in 2011 and 4,102 in 2010. As you can see that is a significant difference and a clearly defined trend.

My prediction for the future of Ocala real estate and this is just my opinion. There has been almost no new home building since the market crashed here in 2007. Almost no new homes have been added to the inventory in 7 years. It seems inevitable that combined with baby boomers wanting to retire this will create a home shortage in years to come thus driving up prices. Kind of logical. Opposing opinions welcome.

Now is time to buy even if you don’t plan to move right away. Call me. Email me. Or use my Ocala Dream Home Finder.


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