Ocala Real Estate Market Report February 2011
Sales were good for February but the big news is a decline in the number of listings. For the first time since I can remember listings went below 5,000. At one time in late 07 and early 08 we were up around 7500. We still have a little over 14 months of inventory but that’s way below the 30 months of inventory during those dark days of 2008.
As you can see we’re still selling plenty of foreclosures most of which are in the Shores and Marion Oaks. Short sales still lag behind foreclosures in the number of sales. Banks still can’t seem to get a handle on short sales and move then in a reasonable period of time. Short sales take from 8 weeks to 6 months or more to close and most buyers can’t or won’t wait that long.
It’s great weather in March in Ocala. The 80’s every day with no humidity and very little rain. Housing prices are the lowest in Florida. Call me, email me or use my Dream Home Finder and I’ll find you a house.
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