Ocala Florida weather report for September 2018

August was a continuation of our extra wet summer of 2018. It seemed to rain most afternoons. I had to drain my swimming pool several times to keep it from flowing over.

September is the height of hurricane season. I think the peak is about the 15th of the month. This season has been the quietest I have seen since moving to Ocala in 2004. I hope it continues this way.

I like to say that Ocala is the safest place in Florida for hurricanes. They seem to either hit South Florida or go up the Atlantic coast and hit the Carolina’s or into the Gulf and hit the Panhandle, Louisiana or Texas. In 2004 a hurricane in the Gulf made a hard right turn and hit Orlando so there are exceptions and Ocala getting hit isn’t impossible. Irma hit us last year but as a tropical storm knocking down trees, causing some flooding and power outages.

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