Ocala Florida weather report for February 2015
So far this has been a warmer and wetter than normal winter. We still haven’t had a hard frost which is some what unusual. A frost is a good thing it kills insects and weeds. If we don’t get a frost in the next couple of weeks it will be the 2nd year in a row without one. It’s rained so much that I turned off my sprinklers to save money on water.
Typically the temperatures this month average 72 during the day and 47 at night with 3.8 inches of rain.
It was so warm this week end, mid 70’s I sat on the Lanai and read my Kindle and we had lunch outside. If you have had a terrible winter like my sister up in Massachusetts then think about moving to Ocala. Home prices are just beginning to go up and we still have a good selection of homes.
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