Ocala Florida weather report for February 2014

Before talking about what the weather should be like in February let’s talk about what the weather actually was like in January. January 2014 was unusually cool with many days never getting out of the 50’s and 60’s. It’s not unusual to get a few days in the 60’s and even a couple in the 50’s but not to the extent we saw this January. Oddly enough even with these low day time temps we didn’t get a hard frost, at least not at my house in SW Ocala. A few hard frosts are very typical of this area and is the reason that plants that grow in South Florida won’t grow here. We also go a lot more rain than normal so much so I had to drain my pool which is unheard of in the dry season.

Let’s hope February is closer to normal with days in the 70’s and nights in the high 40’s. We should still get cold fronts come thru and drop temps but it should only last a day or two and back to 70.  By the end of this month things begin to warm up and by March the grass turns green again and the azaleas bloom.

If you hate the winter where you live call me, email me or use my Ocala Dream Home Finder. Prices are beginning to go up. Now is the time to buy.

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