Ocala Florida weather report for August 2015
Normally the summer weather here in Ocala is pretty predictable. It will be 90 every day with a chance of afternoon thunderstorms. Normally it’s sunny all day with an afternoon thunderstorm 3 or 4 times a week that lasts for an hour or two and back to sunshine. The summer of 2015 has been different. I have never seen so many days where it rained all day since I moved to Ocala in 2004. I’ve also never seen so many cloudy days. It’s normally sunny every day for at least part of the day. I haven’t seen the flooding here in SW Ocala like they have had down near Tampa but there might be some in other parts of Marion County. Let’s hope things return to normal soon.
August is also the first serious month of hurricane season. Hurricane season technically starts in June but the ocean water doesn’t really heat up enough until August. Ocala is one of the least likely areas in Florida to get hit by a hurricane but I watch the news and keep track of them any way.
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