Foreclosures in Ocala 55 plus communities
Buyers seem to be looking for foreclosures in Ocala 55 plus communities. Just before starting this blog post I logged into the MLS and searched on foreclosures. I got 348 hits. When I added 55+ to the search that number went down to 12. As you can see most Ocala area foreclosures are not in the 55+ communities.
Buyers looking for a deal in a 55+ community should also consider estate sales. The unfortunate thing is that there are a lot of vacant homes in the 55+ communities simply because people get old and either pass away or need to go to an assisted living arrangement. These vacant homes often need to be sold by out of state relatives and can be very good buys and an easier transaction than a foreclosure.
For a list of 55+ foreclosures or 55+ estate sales give me a call, send me an email or use my Dream Home Finder and I’ll set you up a Listing Cart for 55+ estate sales or foreclosures or both. All can be found in the green column to the right of this post.
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